Technological Advancement Scale

Tier 0:

Able to accelerate evolutionary development and travel across galaxies.

Tier 1:

Able to build worlds, use super-accurate slip-space navigation, manipulate gravitational force, create fully-sentient Ancilla, and to create life itself.

Tier 2:

Able to perform majorly accurate slip-space navigation, perform near-instantaneous communications, create small and efficient energy sources.

Tier 3:

Able to use decently efficient slip-space navigation, travel efficiently in space, perform holographic manipulation, create at least partially-sentient Ancilla, and have no outside influence.

Tier 4:

Species has limited space travel, but is able to travel great distances, given time. Slip-space travel is not yet developed or even invented.

Tier 5:

Species begins to focus on clean-energy products, occasionally uses atomic weapons.

Tier 6:

Species first begins to mass-produce products.

Tier 7:

Species has limited weaponry and environmental threats.

Tier 8:

Species begins to settle in locations suitable for their needs, and begins to develop empires. Species is able to construct moderately-sized structures.

Tier 9:

Species is mainly nomadic, living in small hunter-gatherer tribes, not yet forming empires. Species is able to create small primitive tents.

Tier 10:

Species is not able to develop any technology at all, and may roam their territory in packs or groups.

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